
Business forum "Export potential and soft power of Russia in the field of culture"


Tomorrow, April 11, 2024, a business forum “Export potential and “soft power” of Russia in the field of culture using the example of Russian classical ballet” will be held at the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University. The moderators will be Pogorletsky Alexander, professor of the Department of World Economy, and Dulmaganov Rinat, member of the International Union of Musicians.

The main focus will be on the following issues:
1. The role of culture in modern world economic development
2. Geopolitics and culture: the problem of interaction and creative dialogue between countries in the era of deglobalization and fragmentation of the system of world economic relations
3. Commercialization of cultural and creative activities: problems and solutions in the practice of Russia and foreign countries
4. Export potential of the cultural sector in Russia: objects and geography of foreign economic operations
5. “Soft power” of the Russian cultural economy in the modern world
6. Russian classical ballet: export potential and “soft power”, experience of integration of foreign creative specialists
7. Globalization of culture based on digital technologies and social innovation: the case of Russian classical ballet.

The business forum will begin at 16:00 Moscow time in the Assembly Hall of the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University.

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