The leading Chinese publishing house “Modern World” published a collective monograph “Study of the development of the Russian economy (2021‒2022)” edited by prof. Sutyrin S.F., prof. Guan Xueling and assoc. prof. Popova L.V., dedicated to the adaptation of the national economic complex and foreign economic relations of Russia to the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. This publication continues a series of joint monographs published in Chinese, written by scientists from St. Petersburg State University and the People's University of China.
Employees of the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University took part in the preparation of the monograph. Among them assoc. prof. Borisov G.V., assoc. prof. Veredyuk O.V., assoc. prof. Gubina M.A., prof. Pogorletsky A.I., assoc. prof. Popova L.V., prof. Sutyrin S.F.
Congratulations to our colleagues on their important contribution to the development of Russian-Chinese scientific cooperation!
Imprint of the monograph in Chinese: 俄罗斯经济发展研究: 2021‒2022/ 本书编委会 编 —北京:当代世界出版社, 2023。 ISBN 978-7-5090-1766-1 (